What is Physics?
The goal of Physics is for you to learn how to think. Physics is just the context in which that learning happens. Your end goal is that you know how to solve problems when faced with situations for which you were not specifically prepared. (Papert, 1988).
I describe my physics class as "a challenging, engaging and cortex-stimulating course that introduces you to physics concepts and the mathematics used in studying those concepts." As part of the learning, students use a variety of learning tools: laboratory experiments, whiteboarding, video analysis, and modeling to develop their understanding of basic and advanced physics concepts.
Physics Activities
Intro to Kinematics and Video Analysis
Egg Drop Activity
Vector Activity
Free Body Diagram Photo Assignment
Newton's Laws Video Analysis
Newton's Laws Conceptual Questions
Work Energy Video Analysis
Newton II Rotation Activity
Odd Squad Curriculum Challenge
Xavier Riddle Curriculum Challenge
Breakout Room Activity
Breakout Room Rubric
Physics Labs
Graphical Analysis of Motion Lab
Free Fall Lab
Projectile Motion Lab
Crash Cart Cushion Lab
Conservation of Energy Lab: Hot Wheels
Skateboard/Newton's Laws Lab
Momentum Lab
Simple Harmonic Motion Lab